Alpha-Beta Peel
Refresh & renew the skin with the Alpha-Beta Peel designed for skin care professionals to remove dull surface layer to uncover a smoother more radiant complexion. A carefully calibrated synergistic blend of Alpha Beta Hydroxyl Acids produces a controlled resurfacing effect on the skin offer immediate dramatic results with 3 easy steps safe for all skins.......Read more

Alpha Beta Peel Neutralizing Solution
A solution designed to restore the skin’s ph while moisturizing and soothing. Applied following the removal of the alpha beta peel it stops the action of the peel imparting an immediate balancing and healing action on the skin.......Read more

Professional Peeling Calming Mask
A creamy soft anti redness mask that calms and moisturizes the skin. Used anytime a soothing, moisturizing action is needed. May be applied immediately after treating the skin with the Alpha Beta Peel .......Read more